Monday, March 17, 2008

Wrightgate approaching Nixonian levels of evasion

Victor Davis Hanson's post today on this issue is a must read:

Wrightgate is more and more becoming Nixonian.

Now we hear that Rev. Wright considers Israel a "dirty word". I don't want to sound like a broken-record, but we are back to 1973-4 when almost every day a new disclosure helped doom the stonewalling Nixon.

The gamut of Wright's hatred is amazingly extensive—Israel, whites, rich people, the United States, the American conduct of World War II, moderate blacks, middleclassness, Clarence Thomas, Condoleezza Rice—to such a degree that he seems consumed with hatred and simply fills in the target spontaneously at any given moment.

As long as Sen. Obama remains in that extremist church, and as long as he continues to offer these reprehensible mea culpas for Wright ("scholar," "not particularly controversial," "cherry-pick," "Uncle," etc.), and the more the massive Wright corpus is disseminated, the more Nixonian Obama becomes, as he scrambles to devise a new modified hangout, while allowing the last failed one to become 'inoperative.'
Read it all if you have time. It's no wonder that Hillary is hanging around, much to the dismay of the Hoperoots.

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