Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Patronize blacks, lose black voters?

The Reverend Eugene Rivers is rocking the house on MSNBC right now. He rejects the notion that whites cannot judge Wright's statements. He rejects the notion that Wright speaks for blacks; blacks love Jesus and they love America. And he points out that liberals who defend Wright are patronizing blacks.

Is it possible? Could it be that blacks in America are starting to see the liberal movement for what it really is?

UPDATE (Titus): Here is Rivers from Scarborough's show this morning. I assume this is the video referred to. Really, really great stuff. Wouldn't it be a beautiful irony if the Wrightgate episode sparked a shift for blacks away from the patronizing liberal political establishment?

ANOTHER UPDATE (Discipulus): That is in fact the clip. I hope Rivers means what he says and is not merely playing against type. If he is being genuine, I think this speaks very well for him and for the possibility that blacks might soon reconsider their devotion to the liberal movement and the Democratic party.

YET ANOTHER UPDATE (Discipulus): Watching that clip again, I nearly laughed out loud watching Pat Buchanan try to comprehend Rivers. Was he simply unable to believe what Rivers was saying? Did he have something disagreeable for breakfast? Funny stuff.

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