Thursday, March 27, 2008

McCain/Romney '08?

John McCain and Mitt Romney are palling around together in Utah. The fact that they are able to work together now is a testament to the character of both men after a bruising battle. Many involved in the Romney vs. McCain primary showdown have still not been able to bury the hatchet.

So the question arises: could John McCain pick Romney as his Vice President?

He could do far far worse.

Romney towards the end of his campaign won the hearts of conservatives. He is a brilliant debater, he is a mega-self-financer at a time when the GOP is having their rears served to them on a silver platter from the Dems in the fund raising game, and he adds youth and executive experience -- all things currently lacking from the McCain ticket.

Plus he is taller than everyone in the room. Seriously, the dude is tall. Tall guys win elections.

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