Thursday, March 27, 2008

Another tasty morsel

The Democratic primary battle has been full of delicious ironies, as Mrs. Clinton and the Candidate of the Past have taken turns hoising themselves on liberal petards. For years libs have busied themselves planting race-based, gender-based, and other mines around the political landscape and have delighted as conservatives tripped over them. (Think "macacca.") Now the two remaining Democratic presidential aspirants are stumbling around blowing major holes in their campaigns, as if they have forgotten where they planted the explosives.

Today we have yet another delicious irony. Libs have long decried the ostensibly evil influence of money in politics and have set themselves against all forms of political speech that involve financial expenditures. As a result, federal election law has grown into a massive and complex body of law that ensnares the guilty and the merely naive alike. Whether she is guilty or naive, Hillary seems to have set off another charge.

Hillary is done in by an obscure provision of the Federal Election Campaign Act that prohibits foreign nationals from contributing to American campaigns. Her offensive act is conspiring with that most dangerous of all foreign nationals, Elton John, who intends to perform a concert to raise money for Hillary's campaign. And this is what liberals get for their senseless legalism of the past half century: a seemingly innocuous cooperation that amounts to a violation of federal election law.

The best part is that this provision, unlike the misguided reforms effected by McCain-Feingold, is probably constitutional. The First Amendment arguably does not secure to foreign nationals a right to participate in our political process.

As Titus points out, this is getting fun indeed.

1 comment:

Titus said...

It really is fun watching these guys trip over their own land mines as you put it. The usual liberal motto of "do as I say and not as I do" is proving troublesome in such a contested primary.