Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Krugman the optimist

NY Times uber liberal columnist Paul Krugman has an astonishing note today on his blog. All of us conservative chicken littles are wrong about Social Security. We should not worry so, says Krugman. In actuality, "Social Security’s financial problem is relatively minor. It doesn’t deserve the emphasis it receives from most pundits."

How can one comfortably claim that a program that "owes $6.5 trillion more in benefits than it will receive in taxes" is facing a "minor" financial problem? Well, if you are a liberal NY Times columnist who from the start has been in favor of a sweeping redistribution of wealth then I suppose it is relatively easy.

Ah the joys of being able to pass one generation's debts off to the next...


anon said...

That is an astonishingly irresponsible claim by Krugman.

Free Trader said...

It's obvious he is not willing to back that up since he wrote in his blog and not as a piece in the NYT. Even if Krugman is correct about an improving actuarial balance the improvements would have to be VERY substantial in the near term to make up for the massive shortfalls leading up to the 75th year.