Thursday, March 13, 2008

Good Math

I've been in several conversations over the last few months with friends about the atrocities of religion. The idea I'm usually confronted with is religion's historical role in causing all the great strife in history.

Anyone who claims religion is causing all of our wars, needs a lesson in history. This myth is easy to debunk by listing the names of Stalin, Lenin, Mao and Hitler. These are just names from the last 100 years, you could certainly go further back. Religion has had it's problems, but to claim it is the cause of all the wars and strife is ridiculous and uninformed. Humans are the cause of wars not religion.

As a side note, this post will be my last attempt to defend religion in general. I'll stick with defending Christianity from now on. It's like being a mathematician and trying to defend and explain the benefits of all math, even bad math. In the future I'll refer specifically to math that has the proper sum, the good math of Christianity.


anon said...

You're absolutely right. One can blame religion for world strife only by ignoring history. But many people ignore history in order to blame religion generally, or Christianity in particular. I got in a debate last Good Friday with a liberal colleague of mine who insisted that the primary function of Christianity has been to persecute the Jews. This is a smart, well-read guy. He just wouldn't regard the historical evidence.

Atticus said...

On first read, it seems that the "smart, well-read guy" simply needs to be introduced to some solid Christian theology. But therein is the problem. Which expression of Christian tradition in the USA should we use? Where (on earth) should we look? Rome? Canterbury? Kenya?

Titus said...

I vote for Kenya!