Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Even Democrats get it

Missouri Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill took to the floor today to support the conservative amendment to eliminate pork barrel spending. Her remarks are pitch perfect. Kudos to McCaskill who is sure to get some flack from big spenders in her party.

Hat tip: Andy Roth


Politeia said...

Bravo! Clear thinking from the left.

Titus said...

Yeah, she was very very impressive in this speech. Short and to the point.

It almost pains me to like her. She defeated one of my favorite Senators, Jim Talent. But she is doing very well.

It is interesting to note that Talent, while in office never completely got on the right side of the earmark issue. He thought he had to have the power to earmark certain projects or else he would lose his reelect.

Well, he lost his reelect anyway, and along comes Claire McCaskill. She is worse than he on every issue but this one. But I think this is an indication of where the public is.

The issue of pork is no longer a winner. It will not secure your reelect. More people in Congress need to wake up and smell the coffee.