Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The politics of Spitzer

NY Governor Elliot Spitzer's cataclysmic fall from grace has been astounding. Like so many moralizing politicians, he failed to live up to the standards he set for others.

Townhall's Matt Lewis points out that Senators Vitter and Craig are still in office after their sex scandals. He wonders if Spitzer might also be able to survive. The answer seems to be no. But take this to the bank, shortly after Spitzer resigns, Democrat talking heads will point out that their party policed their own. That talking point will resonate with mainstream press who love to stick it to Republicans (look for Chris Matthews to take this meme on as a personal crusade), but upon further examination it rings hollow coming from the Party of Bill Clinton and Barney Frank.

Sadly, no Party in Washington is clean.

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