Monday, March 24, 2008

Of all hair-brained follies

this ranks among the most regrettable. Kmiec stops beating around the bush and endorses Obama.

Someday Professor Kmiec will wake up with a post-Obama hangover, either because the Candidate of the Past has lost the election or because he has won the election and violated Kmiec's misplaced confidence. For reasons that should be obvious (but apparently are not to Kmiec), no thoughtful person who endorses the self-evident good of conjugal marriage and the intrinsic value of human life in all stages of development can in good conscience vote for Obama.

I have much more to say on Kmiec's twisted logic, and might share more later today, time permitting. But what is most troubling about Kmiec's endorsement is the timing. He posted this endorsement on Easter Sunday. Even as his fellow Christians were celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who conquered death to give us life, Kmiec was playing against type and celebrating a man who consistently exercises his power and influence to ensure the destruction of innocent human lives.

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