Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Conservatives for Hillary

Four different states will decide Hillary Clinton's fate today. If Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island and Vermont all cast their votes for Obama, Hillary will look silly not to leave (my guess is if she wins only one state, she stays in). Fortunately for her, and to the joy of many conservatives, the late breaking polls are showing a shift away from The Messiah.

Throw in the fact that Rush Limbaugh is urging listeners to cross over and vote for Hillary in Texas and we may see some interesting results. Rush's reasoning is quite simple: the GOP has its nominee settled (despite the Huckster's continued machinations). The Dems are locked in a bloody intra-party dispute that could go all the way to the election. Historically, the convention that is most peaceful politically produces the next nominee.

Here is something else to consider; what if Hillary does really well today and begins a real comeback? Is it possible that the Chosen One's shiny veneer is fading? We know the emperor has no clothes, but do the Omamabots?

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