Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A big night for the GOP

Republican operatives are giddy. For the better part of two years now, GOP pollsters have been telling Party insiders that they only have one real shot at keeping the White House in 2008. That one shot has been a Hillary Clinton nomination. Her negatives are through the roof. Her obnoxious husband will remind the country of past misdoings. And the GOP base will turn out to stop the Clinton machine.

Over the last few months, the potential for a Clinton nomination seemed all but lost. Last night, her three wins breathed new life into GOP hopes for 2008. It also raised the specter of a new path to the White House for Republicans -- a bitterly divided Democratic Party and a severely battered eventual nominee.

The Clinton "Kitchen Sink" strategy ensures that Obama will not be able to keep his golden boy image, and that is a huge problem for a Party that is hoping to peddle the neo-camelotonian candidate of hope. Party leaders are not amused:

"Despite Obama's impressive victories in February, Clinton's comeback is based on sowing political seeds of doubt," said Donna Brazile, a Democratic strategist and one of nearly 800 party leaders known as superdelegates for their ability to determine the nomination. "In order to clinch the nomination, he must anticipate the worst attacks ever."

Consider that a shot across the bow to the Clinton campaign because Brazile — like many other superdelegates — worries that Clinton's only hope for victory is tearing down Obama and dividing the party. Party chairman Howard Dean recently told House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid that he was concerned about the possible impact of a nominating campaign that stretched through the end of the primaries in early June.

Some superdelegates are bracing themselves to intervene on Obama's behalf if necessary.

This will be fun to watch.

1 comment:

Politeia said...

Obama has never had to go through a difficult campaign. He may crack.