Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Will "nomentum" hurt the GOP?

Brit Hume's panel tonight discusses the lack of sustained momentum for any Republican in the field right now. First it was Huck, then Maverick now Mitt and after South Carolina who knows where the pendulum swings.

Folks are even mentioning the possibility of a brokered convention where the nominee is decided old-school style on the convention floor. Could that be good for the GOP as Newt suggests, or is Krauthammer right that this is bad news because the three front-runners represent three strains of the Republican Party -- all of which are bitterly divided.

Certainly there is division. When even these two guys find each other on opposite teams, you know feelings are strong and emotions are high. But don't we need to have this intra-party scrap? It just seems to me that we have been glossing over real division for the better part of the last 6 years.

I think it is possible that we come out of this process stronger, at least over the long haul.

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