Monday, January 14, 2008

Michigan Prediction

I’m with Marshall at On Tap in predicting a Romney win tomorrow in Michigan. This will likely open up the race, making the contests on Saturday in South Carolina (24 delegates) and Nevada (34 delegates) extremely important.

McCain is leading in the polls in both states and they're his races to lose. But if Romney wins one of them (maybe Nevada), the Straight Talk Express could run out of gas.

UPDATE: Latest Michigan polls are all over the place (Romney up 8 points, down 3, up 1). It will come down to turnout. If turnout is high, Romney will lose. If turnout is low, he will win.

1 comment:

Titus said...

A week ago I thought this was McCain's race to lose. Today I think he is indeed running out of steam.

As conservatives looked around at the field and came away unsatisfied, they were willing to take a second look at the admittedly authentic-looking Maverick. Now, after the New Hampshire fling, that second look is bearing its fruit, and it is bitter.

As Hugh Hewitt loves to point out, Maverick has an astonishingly liberal record that under scrutiny will not serve him well through the rest of the primaries. According to Hewitt's site, McCain has:

--voted against the Bush tax cuts, one of only two Republican senators to do so;

--twice authored the McCain-Kennedy immigration bill with its Z Visas and path to citizenship;

--has done nothing to accelerate the construction of the border fence;

--stands behind McCain-Feingold even after the Supreme Court has struck down portions of it as unconstitutional;

--defends the Gang of 14 even though a long line of vacancies on the courts of appeal existed at the end of 2006 (and has only gotten longer in 2007);

--worked with Lindsey Graham to destroy the GOP's agenda in September of 2006 by grandstanding over the interrogation and treatment of terrorists bill;

--opposed drilling in ANWR;

--opposed the Federal Marriage Amendment, twice;

--advocates a massive energy tax;

--performed poorly in three straight debates, displaying his off-putting temper on Saturday night last, and then wandering through the Sunday and Thursday debates, often losing the thread of his response and failing to answer the question, raising issues of his energy and age;

--has earned the enmity of grassroots conservative leaders across the country.