Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Roe at thirty-five

Meanwhile, our own Roe v. Wade is now 35 years old and shows no signs of ill health. Nearly fifty million unborn human persons have suffered the ultimate indignity since January 22, 1973. Even as the culture of life advances, casualties continue. It is high time to euthanize the Roe decision.

UPDATE (Titus): And how do our abortion loving friends at Planned Parenthood plan to mark the anniversary? This from today's Wall Street Journal:

WASHINGTON -- For the first time, abortion-rights advocate Planned Parenthood is launching a major effort to elect pro-abortion-rights candidates to Congress and the White House in November.

The nation's largest reproductive-health-care provider plans to spend $10 million in hopes of persuading one million people to vote for abortion-rights candidates in the 2008 election. Planned Parenthood will roll out its election plans today to mark the 35th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade that made abortion legal.

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