Sunday, January 13, 2008

The "Clinton Strategy"

Not only do we see Democrats using unions to attack other unions but Democrats are now employing racial politics against other Democrats. The Clintons have launched an intense campaign to question Senator Obama in ways that many believe are racial in nature.

Senator Clinton has repeated said this election is "not a game" as if Senator Obama is only playing around. Former President Bill Clinton went further and used the phrase "fairy tale" to describe Obama's campaign. And a Clinton surrogate said the candidates can't "shuck and jive" their way to victory, insinuating (in racial terms) that Obama is misleading voters.

Perhaps the Clintons are just questioning Obama's authenticity. But a more cynical view is that they are trying to subtly tell white liberals that Obama is not electable because of the color of his skin.

Democrats have blasted Republicans in years past for using racial politics. They accused them of using a "Southern Strategy" to secure electoral votes in southern states by using race to scare white voters. Now the Clintons are doing something similar against Obama. If their "Clinton Strategy" continues (and works), it may become much harder for Democrats to accuse Republicans of using racial politics in the future.

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