Friday, January 18, 2008

Rebates are for liberals

Washington is abuzz with talk about various economic stimulus packages. The conventional wisdom has it that some form of a rebate will be dished out to Americans, presumedly in hopes that the recipients will vote accordingly down the line.

I think it was Fred Thompson who criticized this thinking, saying that we might as well put cash in helicopters and drop it from the sky. That criticism is sadly lost on the knuckleheads in Congress.

Democrats of course love distributing cash.

Republicans should be pro-growth and know better, and they do for the most part. Unfortunately, the thinking in GOP leadership circles right now is that rebates win votes and move polls, so for this reason, I expect them to capitulate and go along with some sort of stimulus that is total garbage despite their understanding that it will not really stimulate the economy.

This will just be the most recent example of the GOP compromising principle in the name of political expediency.

If politicians wanted to help the economy they would pass a series of pro-growth tax cuts. Instead, they look poised to pass a political throw-away bill and do nothing to spur the economy.

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