Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fly By Night Government

I think this is what we can expect from a Hillary Administration: bad jokes and mechanical errors.

Hill Force One: Doomed By Mechanical Error

A week ago, Sen. Hillary Clinton, welcomed reporters to "the maiden voyage of Hill Force One," delivering a gimmicky speech that elicited a few laughs from reporters. But now it seems that all the plane has amounted to is one big headache.

The aircraft hasn't been leaving on time and seems to be suffering from heavy mechanical failures.

Senator Clinton's staff Monday morning cited logistical issues as a reason the plane was delayed from taking off. Reporters sat aboard the aircraft for an hour and a half waiting. As a result, Clinton missed the Columbia, South Carolina Martin Luther King march to the capitol. Clinton's Democratic rival Sen. Barack Obama was there and won cheers from the crowds.

On Tuesday night , as reporters embarked the large 737 in Phoenix, Arizona for a flight to Washington, D.C. -- the central fuel tank suffered a problem with the valves. This caused a delay of more than an hour.

Reporters boarded the plane Wednesday morning only to learn that there was a problem with the tire. When the mechanic came out to fix it, he brought out the wrong wrench and reporters were delayed yet again. Finally, it took five people on the ground to lift off the tire to swap it for a new one -- further delaying the Senator and reporters.

It is unclear if Hill Force One will be retired for a new plane. With the hectic travel schedule leading up to February 5th, it may be difficult to find a carrier of that size with such little time.

And she wants to make our health care decisions for us.

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