Thursday, May 1, 2008

Time to rebrand

Nothing short of wholesale change will turn this around:
Only 27% of voters have positive views of the Republican Party, according to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, the lowest level for either party in the survey's nearly two-decade history.
The leadership in the Republican Party has driven it into the ground. New leaders across the board need to be put forward. The House, the Senate and the White House...they have all failed the Party.

There are some up and comers in the Party with good ideas. The problem is their ideas are stifled by leadership structures and actors who exist to perpetuate the corrupt and tired status quo. Maybe after Congressional Republicans get their rears handed to them in November there will be some movement to shake things up.

1 comment:

Buzz said...

I wish I had your optimism. Republicans got their heads handed to them in 2006 and it didn't change much. I'm afraid Americans are going to have to relearn why they dislike Democrats before they figure out why they need Republicans.