Wednesday, May 21, 2008

John Adams is all the rage

You knew it would happen. After the HBO miniseries Hollywood types are tripping over one another to declare their allegiance to an Adamsonian view of America. Stars from Pete Wentz to Michael Moore (ok, I use the term "star" loosely with these two) have got nothing but love for the prickly but principled New England Founder.

I welcome the fact that so many liberals watched the series. I also welcome the fact that they recognize greatness in the character of Adams. These two developments simply confirm my belief that the American people can largely agree on foundational principles. It is in the application of the principles that we get crosswise.

But it must be observed that there is still a huge disconnect between their perceptions of Adams and the reality of who the man was.

Entertainers suddenly love John Adams. Consider “The View” co-host Joy Behar, who told Larry King: “When you see what John Adams was like and George Bush, it’s almost like Darwinism in reverse. You know?”

...funny-producer-turned-serious-producer-turned-all-purpose-Bush-hater Michael Moore said: “The Founding Fathers would never have uttered the presumptuous words ‘God Bless America.’ That, to them, sounded like a command instead of a request, and one doesn’t command God, even if they are America. In fact, they were worried God would punish America. During the Revolutionary War, George Washington feared that God would react unfavorably against his soldiers for the way they were behaving.

John Adams wondered if God might punish America and cause it to lose the war, just to prove his point that America was not worthy.”

To these Hollywood liberals, Adams is a foil to use against the GOP and Bush, nothing more. In fact, were they to really be confronted with many of Adams' beliefs their liberal sensibilities might well be repulsed. But that matters not, as long as he serves a purpose for them right now. That purpose of course being juxtaposing our current President with the second President. I dare say few Presidents would wear well in that harsh light.

1 comment:

anon said...

That HBO series was fabulous, truly the best thing since Band of Brothers.

American libs have become so predictable because they're so myopic. Bush derangement syndrome is a terrible, awful affliction.