Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The slope is, in fact, slippery

We defenders of conjugal monogamy are frequently pilloried for pointing out that nothing in principle distinguishes same-sex marriage from polygamous marriage or incestuous marriage. If there is no rational basis for the conjugality predicate to marriage then there is no rational basis for the numerosity (2) or filial (not) predicates. We are excoriated as homophobic chicken littles for even mentioning the analogy. No one is seriously arguing for polygamous or incestuous marriage, the argument goes. That's a scare tactic.

In fact, plenty of people are arguing for legal recognition of polygamy. And, as predicted, the incest threshhold is in danger of being breached, as well. Martin Knight over at RedState calls our attention to the Deaves, father and daughter who have brought into this world a child of their own.

We join Mr. Knight in standing athwart this progression of history yelling, "Stop!" But we are not confident that anyone is paying attention.

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