Monday, April 14, 2008

Obama on faith

Two clips of interest here from last night's CNN forum on faith. In the first (only watch the first minute) we see Obama awkwardly answer the question about when life begins. Obama says he cannot "presume to know" when life begins. It may be "when a soul stirs" or "when a cell separates," he simply cannot know. But he does grant that "there is something extraordinarily powerful about potential life" and that power has a "moral weight to it."

So regarding the question of abortion, Obama's logic should lead him to err on the side of life. If life does begin when a cell separates, then even early on abortions are the ending of that life and therefore a grievous violation and affront to the "moral weight" that Obama concedes that life carries. This does not even begin to address the late-term procedures that Obama will go to his grave to legally protect.

Now, switching gears. In the video below we are witness to the world's greatest softball question pitched from an Accomadater in chief, Richard Cizik. Cizik at his perch atop the National Association of Evangelicals has been a hero of the liberal left and darling of the MSM.

"Should it be part of God's plan to have me in the White House I look forward to our collaboration." Thus the already massive egos of our friends the Accomodaters quadruples in size.

UPDATE: While we are on the topic, note Obama's promise to Jim Wallis to cut the amount of poverty in half in ten years. Follow the link for background.

1 comment:

meff said...

Ugh. That's really all I can say. He seems so uncomfortable using the evangelical lexicon.