Friday, February 29, 2008

Well, is he right or not?

John McCain states the obvious, and even Drudge jumps on him. McCain pointed out that Barack Obama's obsession with the 2003 decision to invade Iraq is a regrettable focus on the past rather than problems and policies of the present and future. The point is valid, and important. But ABC News finds the statement "an interesting claim from the man seeking to be the oldest American ever first elected president — about a candidate 25 years his junior." Drudge apparently agrees, including McCain's age (71) in his headline. Once again, Democrats make policy criticisms and the press gives them a free pass. The leading Republican criticizes his opponent's policy proposal and all the press cares to focus on is the Republican candidate's age.

By the bye, what is true about Obama's obsession with the Iraq War is also true of his policy proposals generally. As Titus has pointed out, Obama's ideas are more of the same liberal ideas that impeded American prosperity, freedom, and strength for long stretches of the Twentieth Century. That Obama dresses these failed ideas up as hopeful does not mitigate his status as the Candidate of the Past.

Hey, look at that. We've got a new nickname for the junior Senator from Illinois. Maybe McCain is more savvy than we know.

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