Monday, August 25, 2008

Facts that don't fit the narrative

For the mainstream media, frenzied in its peurile, pubescent passion for the Big O, facts have little value. The Washington Times, not infected with Obamamania, has uncovered a fact that the New York Times, the networks, and CNN -- in short, Obama's communications agents -- refuse to report because it doesn't fit their Obamanarrative: Obama's half brother lives in a hut in Africa, subsisting on three cents per day. It seems that the multi-millionaire and Democratic-nominee Candidate of the Past wants to spend your hard-earned money and mine on programs for the poor but cannot bring himself to share a meager fraction of his own coin with his own flesh and blood.

This fact is consistent with recent revelations that the Obamas make millions each year and, as the Washington Times points out, live in "a mansion that a mobster helped pay for." Also consistent is the fact (again, tip to the Washington, not New York, Times) that the Obamas give less than the national average to charities. And the fact (yup, Washington Times) that Michelle Obama's employer, a hospital in Chicago, steers poor blacks to other hospitals. The list goes on, but you won't read any of these facts in the news section of your mainstream paper or any news service that relies primarily on the AP and/or Reuters.

The moral of the story is simply this: if you want a liberal narrative devoid of any connection to reality within the four dimensions of time and space, get your "news" from traditional sources. If you want facts, conservative media is the place to go.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Wow. That is pretty amazing. If this tidbit doesn't come out more broadly in the upcoming weeks, it will be a travesty.
God bless the Washington Times